buying plant seeds

3 tips when planting flower seeds

Having a garden at home certainly brings a lot of satisfaction. It allows you to be active while working on it, gives us a more embellished, fresh and purified home, and provides us with a place for recreation and relaxation. However, it must be taken into account that to keep it lush and colourful, it is important to give it the corresponding dedication, considering the type of plants you want to have, for the best quality Buy Farm Seeds.

  1. Select flowers that are easy to grow

Planting flowers is a process that requires time and dedication. However, it will give us great joy when you see the first petals. In addition, Exotic Flower Seeds are very affordable, giving us the freedom to plant as many as you want.

  • Pansy: can be kept in the sun or semi-shade (as long as it receives enough light). Resists cold and inhibits weed growth. The soil must be kept moist, so it is necessary to water it according to its needs. They bloom in the fall, but they can last until spring in warm climates.
  • Lavender: it is also essential that it receives direct sun. Watering should be moderate since it resists dry temperatures very well and extreme cold. In addition, it is not demanding in terms of soil quality due to its rustic character.
  • Chrysanthemums: it is a seasonal flower, so once the spring-summer is over, it withers and loses its flowers. They require a lot of light and fresh and ventilated spaces. It is important to fertilize them well in winter to bloom strongly as soon as the sun returns.

Another one is the carnation and the nasturtium, so it only remains for us to choose their favourite colours: pink, orange, yellow, and purple, among others, and play with the distribution.

  1. Prepare the soil with compost

Preparing the soil is also essential, so the flower is properly nourished. Therefore, it is necessary to dig a few centimetres deep, with the help of a pointed shovel or a fork, and, later, add a quality fertilizer. There are fertilizers for all types of plants and others that are specific for each flower, although you can also choose to create your own. Exotic Seeds require organic matter (vegetable peels), boil them and then place them at the bottom. The fertilizer should cover at least 6 cm deep in the soil to promote decomposition.

Different flowers are likely to require a different planting depth depending on how tall they grow, so it's important to learn about the needs of other flower seeds.

  1. spread the seeds well

When sowing the seeds, it is important to spread them evenly throughout the designated area. Otherwise, the flowers will bump into each other when growing and are likely to wilt prematurely or grow weak. Flowers, just like any plant, require enough space for their roots to grow and receive enough nutrients without affecting the others.

Depending on the square meters that you have available, it is also possible to take the opportunity to mix flowers of different colours and group them by their flowering time, so Buy Flower Seeds for your garden alive throughout the year.

You can buy seeds from an authentic online store like “passion for plantation”, as their seeds are fresh and highly germinating. Whether you need quality seeds for home gardens or terrace gardens, or you need top-quality vegetable & fruit seeds, shop at our online store.